Choice of Oil
"What is the best oil for the job?" Such a question often arises, and "it depends" always seems to be the appropriate reply. The selection of the most suitable oil for your needs is nearly always a compromise of areas such as continued oil availability, consumer acceptance, processing needs, product characteristics, environmental needs, machinery suitability and the impact of the end product cost. These factors, plus others depending on individual situations, should be considered during the selection of this most important ingredient and help guide your oil decision-making process. When deciding what oil type is required, the "absolute minimum" quality of oil that will be used in the frying system should be established. Ensure that the oil delivered actually does meet your specified benchmark.
Oil stability and spoilage
You get out what you put in so start with quality oil as nothing can compensate for an inferior raw material. Further, the refining process and subsequent storage practices can affect how far your oil will go. Within frying oils are compounds called anti-oxidants which help strengthen the oil against oxidation. The level of anti-oxidants can vary with different types of oils as well as different batches. Generally, the higher the level of anti-oxidants present in the oil, the stronger the oil is against oxidation. Stronger oils are sometimes referred to as having more "stable" properties. Natural anti-oxidants, Tocopherols for example, are the best form and are naturally found in oils; however the addition of artificial anti-oxidants to the raw material by some oil suppliers is used to further strengthen some oils. Additives, such as chelating agents can further strengthen the oil but this needs to be added at very specific doses and correctly handled. Other types of oil additives commonly used in the frying process act as a barrier to oxygen and oxidation with some forming a very thin layer on top of the oil thereby protecting the oil from the oxygen within the air and so delaying the onset of oil oxidation. The use of artificial anti-oxidants and other additives will depend on market, processing and regulatory factors and will vary according to differing situations. The act of choosing additives should be undertaken carefully for specific frying situations. There are several ways for oil to spoil but three stand out: Oxidation.When oils are heated to elevated temperatures and in the presence of oxygen, they may undergo oxidation and form hydro peroxides. These peroxides aNike Hyperdunk 2017