Creating status brands through resealable technology
Studies have shown that the youth in China desire status brands and the prestige associated with owning their products. They place a high premium on merchandise that look good, and often make point-of-purchase decisions based on the item's outward appearance, especially with food. So, more than ever before, marketers need to grab consumers' attention within seconds as they browse through congested supermarket shelves. Simply adding the convenience of a resealable closure to flexible packaging achieves that result as it instantly enhances the functionality and brand value of the product. Just think, a sliced ham package with added value has a much higher extrinsic brand appeal compared to a packet without the resealable option, and customers will naturally feel more inclined to the package they can reuse. In addition, the beauty of resealable flexible packaging lies in the long-term brand exposure it provides to products, as consumers are able to store contents in the original printed packaging without transferring to another container. Zippered closures ensure that consumers who reuse the package constantly view brand messages, so food brand owners will stretch their marketing dollars much further.Convenience for the young and on the go
For youths, innovative, convenient packaging captures their attention more than conventional boxes or containers do. Functionality is a byword for young consumers who are accustomed to the ease-of-use and technical aspects of modern gadgets, and expect the same out of food product packaging they come across every day. Young Chinese consumers with fast-paced lifestyles appreciate packages that feature convenient resealable options. This enables them to open and close the package, and store the unconsumed contents in the original bag or pouch easily to save time. Just imagine a 15-year-old who's late for school and has no time to down his bowl of cereal with milk. Instead, he grabs a resealable pack of muesli snacks that allows him the flexibility of consuming his breakfast while commuting. This on-the-go flexibility also supports peer-to-peer influence, one of the most effective ways to build a brand's status. Brand-conscious youths in China who rely heavily on word-of-mouth recommendations are more likely to purchase a product they see their friends carrying or eating. A multitude of resealable closure solutions that fit virtually any consumer product package are available, and the slider zipper is one such innovation thaAir Force 1 Low Flyknit