Customized cocoa liquors
AILOR-made cocoa liquors for Asia from ADM Cocoa offer chocolate manufacturers a complete range of solutions for a wide variety of applications, including ice cream and high cocoa content products.

Cocoa liquor, the raw material for chocolate production, plays a predominant role in determining the ultimate flavor of the end product. Flavor development of liquor is a complicated process, dependent on the type of cocoa bean used ?its genetic background and growing conditions, the flavor precursor development in the bean during fermentation and the flavor formation during subsequent processing. The premium range of "De Zaan" cocoa liquors delivers high quality and reliability and meets consumer demands for taste, appearance, mouthfeel and functionality. To create the De Zaan range, beans from Ghana, the Ivory Coast and Papua New Guinea are selected to suit specific customer requirements. 888 NL cocoa liquor, based on beans originating from Papua New Guinea, provides customers with a particularly fine flavor. For customers requiring a slightly darker color, 850 DL is a lightly alkalized cocoa liquor that may also reduce conching time. De Zaan liquors are also available with different roasting profiles.
Butter replacement in baked chocolate products
ODAY everyone wants baked chocolate products that not only taste good, but also are good for you. Many baked goods use cocoa powder alone, which has a 1-to-9 fat to solids ratio that delivers a harsh, shallow, incomplete chocolate taste. Adding cocoa fat is a solution, but it can adversely affect texture, processing, and nutritional profile.

With "Cocoa Butter Buds" natural diary concentrate, you can have your chocolate cake and eat it too. It is an exceptionally rich, natural cocoa-fat flavor typically missing in low-fat baked products such as brownies and chocolate cakes that use only cocoa powder. The secret of the chocolate substitute's rich flavor is based on an ideal 3-to-1 ratio of cocoa fat to cocoa solids, each of which offers distinct flavor notes. The dairy-and-cocoa substitute is a practical way to complete chocolate flavor in cakes and brownies ?or anywhere cocoa powder is used or where a complete, longer lasting chocolate flavor is desired. Butter Buds and Cocoa Butter Buds provide a healthy ingredient declaration too ?they can be declared as natural flavor or extract. They contain virtually no trans fats and when used in combination with vegetable shortening or other low-cost fats, they eliminate saturated fats.
Healthy blood pressure with flavanols-rich chocolate
AILY consumption of 17g "ACTICOA" dark chocolate for 2 weeks helps maintain healthy blood pressure.

The study, conducted by the Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, demonstrates that the flavanols-rich dark chocolate from Barry Callebaut contributes to maintaining a healthy blood pressure. This confirms earlier studies done. Two test groups consumed a small portion of the dark chocolate every day for two weeks. For the first group, the portion of ACTICOA chocolate contained 500 mg cocoa flavanols while for the second, 1000 mg cocoa flavanols. After two weeks, both groups, independent of the dose, displayed significantly reduced blood pressure. A reduction of 7 points was observed in systolic and 5 points in diastolic blood pressure: expressed as a reduction of 7/5mm of mercury. This reduction has a proven, beneficial effect on our health as a reduction in blood pressure of 7/5 mmHg reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is underwritten by cardiologists the world over.2
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