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International Plastics News for Asia

6 Issues per Year

Publishing language:English

International Plastics News for Asia

Eco-innovation has become a buzzword in the plastics industry whose primary goal now is to achieve a circular economy. Our special report presents the highlights of a webinar focusing on eco-innovations and how to achieve efficient plastics production. From the different areas of expertise of the invited speakers, it can be noted that eco-innovation is technology-driven; while new material solutions and design techniques could help achieve this goal.


Polycarbonates for automotive applications are creating a difference due to the material’s high-impact resistance and durability. New developments in the use of this material are pointing towards enhanced properties that could further strengthen its position in the dynamic automotive industry.


Manufacturing Expo, where InterPlas Thailand is a concurrent event, is growing bigger each year. As ASEAN’s leading industrial exhibition, it has served as the ideal platform for those seeking to explore the vast opportunities in this region.


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Industry Research Manager

Name: Beng Tan-Guerrero

Email: bengtan@ringiertrade.com

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